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Located in Shepparton, Victoria, MOVE is one of the largest regional museums of collectibles in Australia and unique for its variety.  MOVE displays legends of the Goulburn Valley Trucking industry, The Furphy Museum, The Farren Vintage Bicycle Collection, Clayton Collection of gramophones, telephones and radio and The Loel Thomson Costume Collection. The collections are displayed in a contemporary and interactive exhibition space. 

Visit the muesum and check out the truck display of Angelo Kalafatis and read about his story.

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Jimmy Kalafatis, a second-generation fruit farmer, comes from a family of hard workers. His late father Angelo emigrated from Greece to Australia at the age of 19 looking for new opportunities and managed to build Kalafatis Farms from the ground up. Today, the family business has more than half a million fruit trees. In this episode, Jimmy talks about the importance of family, the work ethic he inherited from his father, and why you should always think twice before saying yes.


Woolworths Fresh idea Magazine JUNE 2022

Woolworths Fresh idea magazine featured our Papples and Red Angels for their JUNE 2022 issue. Using our Papples to make a delicious salad and also using the Red Angel to make a beautiful crostini with blue cheese. 

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Woolworths Catalogue - 1.6.2019 - 30.6.2019

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Goulburn Valley orchardist leading a possible pear revolution

Kalafatis Orchards in Lemnos, outside Shepparton, grow the largest crop of red-coloured pears in Australia. For more than five years, Kalafatis Fresh Produce managing director Jimmy Kalafatis and his neighbour Joseph Rullo have been investigating the potential for red pears, and this February Mr Kalafatis will be picking Australia’s first ever commercial harvest of red-coloured pears.

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Shepparton orchard going organic thanks to $500,000 grant

Shepparton orchard Kalafatis Fresh Produce is set to transition into organic produce with the help of a $500,000 grant.


The Woolworths Organic Growth Fund will allow the Kalafatis family, who supply Woolworths with conventional pears and plums from their 500,000-tree orchard, to purchase infrastructure to farm organic pears and plums, including a vertical espalier trellis to cover the crop with pest-proof netting and an irrigation system above the orchard floor to allow for mowing between trees, a critical task when herbicides aren't in use.

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Woolworths partners with farmers to feed growing appetite for organics

The Woolworths Organic Growth Fund has been established to support eligible Australian growers in their organic farming projects. Established in 2018 in partnership with Heritage Bank, the $30 million fund aims to assist fruit and vegetable growers to start the journey to organic farming or grow existing organic production.

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The Kalafatis Cold Stores, in the Goulburn Valley region of Victoria, is the largest pear producer and supplier in Australia. And the ‘crystal’ pears you buy from Woolworths supermarkets are supplied exclusively from the Kalafatis family business. The enormity of this small Greek Australian company is such that it also supplies pears to all the central markets of the major cities in Australia.


DENTED pears damaged in hail storms will hit shelves as shoppers are urged to eat imperfect fruit and vegetables to cut food waste.


Angelo Kalafatis made it his mission to achieve success in the fruit industry. He worked hard for his business, Kalafatis Fresh Produce, to gain the status it has today of one of Australia's largest producers and suppliers of pears.

© 2023 by Kalafatis Fresh Produce PTY LTD

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